When I was in Barcelona at the National Gallery Museum, I was very intrigued with the retablos of Saint Micheal (Miguel), especially since he is the patron saint of San Miguel de Allende where I have a home. And yesterday was his Saint's Day.
Saint Miguel Arcangel
Blasco de Granen - 1440
San Miguel always with a baton, fighting the evil forces.
Joan Mates - 1420
San Miguel depicting triumph over the Devil.
Jaume Huguet - 1455
San Miguel standing on top of the Devil.
Juan de la Abadia - 1490
San Miguel holding a scale to weigh souls in one hand and a baton in the other.
San Miguel holding a scale to weigh souls in one hand and a baton in the other.
The Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya in Barcelona has a wonderful Gothic art collection where you will find these figures of San Miguel Archangel. Or sign up for one of my San Miguel de Allende tours and encounter San Miguel Archangel, the town's patron saint, in person. Not only will you find him in the Parroquia, you will see murals, stone carvings and paintings of him all over town.
Viva San Miguel!