The pots are made by the coil method and only a form is used to shape the lip of the pot. The smooth face of the pot is achieved by varnishing it when the clay is still moist with a corn cob. After the pot has sufficiently dried, the firing process is next. Wood is placed over the pot in a big heap and then set on fire. You know when you are in Cocucho, for there is always smoke in the air!
I shot this little piece of video in Uruapan during the parade of artisans. It is of the float from Cocucho. Click on the right - Women of Cocucho
I shot this little piece of video in Uruapan during the parade of artisans. It is of the float from Cocucho. Click on the right - Women of Cocucho

The one girl is full of giggles when I shot this photo. All such happy people!

Embroidery is big in this region and this was their day for selling yarn. The 16th century church in the background is one of the beautiful painted churches that is part of the Bishop Don Vasco Route.
I just purchased a large cocucha from this lady and she was more than glad to pose for me. I love the colors and her happy face.

This gentleman was proud to show off his cocucha. It's taller than he was, but then again, he wasn't that tall! Many of the cocuchas vary from less than a foot to seven feet high.
Cocucho and many of the 16th century painted chapels in the area will be part of my Artesans & Architecture tour in February of 2011.
Join me, it will be a trip of a lifetime!
i like that i am from but im live in unate state