Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday in San Migeul is a Good Thing

Good Friday recalls the Crucifixion of Christ and t is an extremely busy day in San Miguel de Allende.  The pews in many of the churches have been pushed aside as many gather around their saint decorating the platforms with hundreds of flowers in anticpation of the upcoming procession.
There are solemn processions organized by almost every church carrying the statues of Christ, the Virgin Mary and a few other Saints.  There is such emotion and pagentry.
The procession winds its way around the jardin.  The sidewalks and jardin are lined with people, ten deep in some spots, reveling in the celebration.   Of course, me being one of them with my camera in tow.
One of my favorite of saints is also recognized this day.   When not part of a procession, the Statue of San Roque can be found just past the baptismal fountain in the Parroquia church.  he can be identified by his plague sore on his leg.  The saint after nursing plague victims in his native town was driven into the countryside when he himself has contracted the plague.  He survived because a little dog (the symbol of fidelity) brought him bread everyday.  The sculpted dog is along side the saint and because this is Mexico, he has a bolillo which is the typical Mexican roll in his mouth.  Since plagues have come to a halt, his contribution box is ignored.
He is replaced in admiration by San Martin of Charity, a black saint from Peru, also known as the “Saint of the Broom” because of his devotion to work, no matter how menial.  Many miraculous cures were attributed to him.  After the Virgin de Guadalupe, he ranks second in devotion to the Mexican people.
Good Friday is a colorful celebration and one not to be missed in San Miguel.

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