Friday, October 27, 2023

Ocotlán de Morelos and Rudolfo Morales

Ocotlán de Morelos is known for artist Rodolfo Morales who painted aspects of his hometown in his works and sponsored projects to save and restore historic buildings and monuments.  Above is an altar honoring his memory.  Morales is best known for his brightly colored surrealistic dream-like paintings and collages often featuring Mexican women in village settings. 

The monastery, Santo Domingo de Ocotlán, was founded in 1555.  It is now home to many of Morales's works and a research library founded by Morales.

This handsome piece is hanging in the stairwell of the monastery.
A lovely place to rest and admire the works of Morelos.

One of his last works called "Mercados" depicts market scenes from the town painted on columns.

Characteristics of his work include rich use of color, exaggerated hands and feet, over-sized faces, women (often brides), dogs, flowers, angels, bicycles, musical instruments and floating figures.

 A weaving hanging at the entrance of this gallery.

A wonderful series of his collages filled one whole room.  Enjoy.

The municipal palace has a Neoclassic facade built with pink stone, with columns and pediments.  Honoring Morales was this altar for the upcoming Dia de Los Muertos.
The main feature in the interior are the murals by Morales from the 1950's, when he was a young man.
The murals depict scenes from the history of Ocotlán as well as landscapes and representative scenes such as the markets, mining and agriculture.


The 16th-century Temple de Santo Domingo in Ocotlán de Morelos was restored with funds and collaboration from Rudolfo Morales.  

You will see the bright blue and golden yellow theme around the plaza.  I was just here on Friday, their market day, which I adore.

You will find a clay figure of Morelos in the monastery by the Aguilar family, famous in this town for their figures of munecas and other daily scenes. 

Morales was notable for his restoration of historic buildings in Ocotlán de Morelos.  Together with artists Rufino Tamayo and Francisco Toledo, they helped make Oaxaca in Southern Mexico a center for contemporary art and tourism.

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