Monday, July 18, 2011

Frozen Yogurt hits the spot in San Miguel de Allende

MioFrio Yogurt is a new comer to the historic center of San Miguel de Allende.  It is a darling little place on Calle Mesones 66 between Calle Hidalgo and Calle Reloj on the south side of the street.  A cute gal was standing in front of the shop handing out samples of their non fat yogurt one morning when I was on my way to the market.  Talk about refreshing!  They offer quite a few topping... nuts, a variety of fresh fruits, M & M's...
Two very unusual flavors that I tried was Lychee (also known as Lichi nut and Litchi) and Tarro Root.  
Lychee is a fruit native to China with a creamy, juicy, sweet white flesh surrounding a small seed.  It is also cultivated in subtropical regions including parts of Mexico, Hawaii, California and Florida.  I was at H-Mart last week and they had some fresh Lychee on sale.  Talk about a big price difference, H-Mart was selling them for about $2.50 a pound, Whole Foods had them priced around $7.50 per pound.  Obviously you know where I bought some.
The ceiling has been attractively stenciled along with a pretty crystal chandelier.
There is a small built-in bench in one corner and a tiny little table by the door to sit at and enjoy your frozen yogurt.  Be warned though,  eat your yogurt slowly!  Brain freezes are known to happen.

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