Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fireworks, Fireworks and More Fireworks

 As I mentioned, it was and still is a busy time in San Miguel de Allende, especially the weekend after the 29th, the Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel. Not only are there processions galore and the flying dancers from Papantla to keep me and my camera busy, the fireworks are spectacular and the biggest display of the year. These six men were tying the painted wood strips together to make the Castilla de Torre, tower of fireworks, right in the middle of the jardin.
I just wonder what he was thinking... "Did I connect the right wire to that wire... where did I leave off ... " These wood towers are covered with fireworks and rocket-propelled pinwheels that make the most beautiful display of lights and noise when lite.  I don't think I would like the job of climbing up the tower with all those pinwheels.
More men hard at work.
You certainly can get a better perspective of the size of the Castillo. It's huge.

It's a busy place to be and right in the middle of the jardin.
At four in the morning, the fireworks were in full force. I dragged myself out of bed, not that I could sleep anyway, grabbed my camera and shuffled up the stairs to my mirador (roof top patio) in my pajamas. What a show. There was a slight breeze blowing the smoke and ash to the north, away from my house. I sat there and watched the fireworks show for a hour and eventually crawled back into bed. My mirador is better than any ole country club on fourth of July, any day! Or should I say, any morning.

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